.fm issues with Go Daddy


New Member
Hi All

I need some help. I recently won through auction a domain name with a .fm extension through Go Daddy.

Now at this point let me say that the person who currently owns the name is being very helpful.

Right so I go onto the auction place the winning bid and expect like every other time I have won a name through auction on there for it to transfer to my account.

This time though it said to pay for the name witch I did and to then contact the seller. I did this and we arranged for the transfer, but and this is the issue it seems that Go Daddy are unable to transfer the owner and company name details.

After a lot of email back and forth Go Daddy advised me that I needed to contact the .fm registry and gave me their details. I raised a support ticket and there reply was that the name needs to be changed at the company it was registered with. Er well that would be Go Daddy.

So into another day and Im sending another email to Go Daddy. Im one of the sad ones that listen to the Go Daddy pod cast every week. Bob always says that if the client is unhappy the company should do what it can to make it right. So far this is not whats happening.

Has any one else ever bought a .fm name and what was the transfer process like? I spent a lot of money well over a weeks wages on this name and the other one that I won also a .fm so I cant afford to lose the money.

Any ideas?

