I was using FlowLayout.CENTER to center a string and some checkboxes but it is not centering them. I've used this before and it worked fine. Here is the code:\[code\]import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;public class pizza extends JFrame {//row 1 JPanel row1 = new JPanel(); JLabel select = new JLabel("Please select the size you would like"); //row 2 JPanel row2 = new JPanel(); JCheckBox ninein = new JCheckBox("9 inch, $5.00", false); JCheckBox twelvein = new JCheckBox("12 inch, $10.00", false); JCheckBox seventeenin = new JCheckBox("17 inch, $15.00", false);//row 3 JPanel row3 = new JPanel(); JLabel toppingslab = new JLabel("Please select your toppings"); JCheckBox cheese = new JCheckBox("Cheese, .50"); JCheckBox pepperoni = new JCheckBox("Pepperoni, .50"); JCheckBox onions = new JCheckBox("Onions, .50"); JCheckBox peppers = new JCheckBox("Peppers, .50"); JCheckBox bacon = new JCheckBox("Bacon! Free (because it's bacon)");//row4 JPanel row4 = new JPanel(); JLabel totallab = new JLabel("Total"); JTextField total = new JTextField(10);public pizza(){ setTitle("Pizza Ordering"); setSize(500,500); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setVisible(true); total.setEnabled(false);FlowLayout one = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER); setLayout(one); row1.add(select); add(row1); row2.add(ninein); row2.add(twelvein); row2.add(seventeenin); add(row2);GridLayout two = new GridLayout(6,2); row3.setLayout(two); row3.add(toppingslab); row3.add(cheese); row3.add(pepperoni); row3.add(onions); row3.add(peppers); row3.add(bacon); add(row3);FlowLayout three = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT); setLayout(three); row4.add(totallab); row4.add(total); add(row4); } public static void main(String[] args) { pizza pizz = new pizza();}}\[/code\]Neither RIGHT or LEFT make a difference as well it simply aligns it to the right.