Floats pushing subsequent content around in Safari


I'm having trouble figuring out what to do to fix what's probably a very simple problem.

On this page:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.cultivatedesign.com/rmb_test.html">http://www.cultivatedesign.com/rmb_test.html</a><!-- m -->
The tall table in the lower part of the page is jammed over to the left, and skinnier than it should be in Safari. It appears ok in Firefox and Win IE6. Unfortunately the client I'm building this for is in an all-Mac, all-Safari setting.

The problem appears to be related to the left-floated divs "nav_bar" and "nav_run_time". When I get rid of these divs everything behaves normally. This is despite the fact that the subsequent div ("content_outer_table") has a clear: both.

Any suggestions for a way to fix this? Or ideas what's wrong?

BobOK - got things to work in Safari, but now they break in IE 6. I _suppose_ this is "good enough", but I'm not satisfied.

The updated version - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.cultivatedesign.com/rmb_test2.html">http://www.cultivatedesign.com/rmb_test2.html</a><!-- m -->. I can make it work in IE 6 if I enclose the logo and navigation in a div and float it left - at which point the nav bar consists of a left-floating div and a right-floating div. Unfortunately it then breaks in Safari again, in pretty much the same way as before.

Any idea how to make it work in both?

- BobFixed it - absolute-positioned the right-hand div. Works like a charm.