Seoma [Crawler]
New Member
I am trying to display a list of items each with two spans side by side and evenly spaced.The HTML looks like this:\[code\]<ol id="peerTimes"> <li id="142_177_85_207__60212"> <span class="ip"></span> <span class="dateTime time">Tuesday, December 04, 2012 8:34:21 PM</span> </li> <li id="127_0_0_1__52375"> <span class="ip"></span> <span class="dateTime time">Tuesday, December 04, 2012 8:34:09 PM</span> </li></ol>\[/code\]And the CSS looks like this:\[code\].ip { float: left; width: 170px; }.dateTime { width: auto; }\[/code\]In Firefox, this looks how I want it to:
But in Chrome, no matter how much I mess with it, the list item number always gets pushed to after the floating span:
Is there cross-browser friendly way to achieve this layout?