I am creating a flash website. In this website i am loading the page data through xml file. Now in one of my page i have to display the data points in tabular format. if i use tag in the xml file then it is displaying one cell per each line. below is my sample xml file.\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><items> <item> <content><![CDATA[<span class="title">Trainings</span><p align="justify">We, undertake to Sharpen the Intellect and to groom the technical competency</p><p > <table border="1" style="width: 641px" > <tr><td><strong>Technical Trainings </strong></td></tr> <tr><td class="tbrowheader1stcol">Technology </td><td class="tbcolheader"> Number of Courses </td><td class="tbcolheader"> Number of Days </td> <td class="tbcolheader">Number of Participants </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tbrowheader1stcol"> Java</td> <td class="tballcols">62</td> <td class="tballcols">110</td> <td class="tballcols"> 735</td> </tr><tr> <td class="tbrowheader1stcol"> MS</td> <td class="tballcols"> 29</td> <td class="tballcols"> 59</td> <td class="tballcols"> 255</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tbrowheader1stcol"> Mainframes</td> <td class="tballcols"> 19</td> <td class="tballcols"> 27</td> <td class="tballcols"> 114</td> </tr> </table></p> ]]></content> </item></items>\[/code\]