Flash(swish) and tables


First time in a forum. Took on a project to create a website and marketing. Having trouble with some Flash(Swish version) and tables spanning all computer screens. Can I show my page which is on a server visible on the Internet to SOMEONE HERE who could assist me in rectifying some problems I am having. I lost a vital resource on this project. <br />
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Thanks in advance for any help.<br />
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Sincerely,<br />
Alan Probst<br />
redartichoke.com:<!--content-->Sure. Just Pivate Message me, or post the code in this thread. You can upload code if it's in TXT format, and you can include any SWF files too as long as you ZIP them.<br />
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If you add stuff to this thread you're more likely to get a quick answer.<!--content-->Thanks Toicontien, I just PM'd you after solving one problem with trial and error. Appreciate the quick, information rich reply. Thanks again. I will try and return the favor to others on the board.<!--content-->