Flash Intro


I have a question!<br />
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I created a flash intro for a new site, which works perfectly on my machine as well as in my domain file list. However, when the site is opened, the intro takes eons to load! I've put up a "skip intro" link, but I really want the movie to show.<br />
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Is there some sort of code that helps with the time it would take to load?<br />
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HELP! lol<br />
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Thank you! :D<br />
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PS: The site is Anyone But Steve (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.anyonebutsteve.com">http://www.anyonebutsteve.com</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->Even on a 56K modem, I didn't think the intro took that long to load. Maybe I've been hanging out with too many Flash designers. ;) <br />
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A couple other things. There is no such thing as </img>. Also, define the width and height attributes for your images. Since you don't define those attributes, your menu shifts around as the images load. Use the alt attribute in your <img> tag so if for some reasom a person can't view your images, they aren't instantly screwed when trying to view your menu.<!--content-->Thank you so much for the advice!!!<br />
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I'd managed to fix the intro after I'd posted in here. Such a nut! I'd just coded the file in lowercase when it was uppercase... couldn't figure out for the life of me why it wasn't working. Oi!<br />
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And I'll definately add the alt tags. I'm trying to get the general things together tonight, but that's on my list. As is defining my buttons.<br />
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Thanks again for your help! :D<!--content-->