Flash chat 5


New Member
I got this from another site and wanted to share it with you all. theres more then just the main flash chat theres some modules and the mp3 add on. you will need red 5 flash server its a java app and its open source its to big a file to add directly.

link to download of 7 stable version; rc1 is version 8

Red5 v0.7.0 final 02.23.2008 Open Source Flash

if you like this say thanks also this isnt 123chat its flash chat 5 from tufat.com
I do but not at the moment lol I'm at work right now and there on my home pc, the only thing I can say is the sounds are kinda gay for when your typing a message and sending them as well.
Yes it works in 3.8.x using paul M's add-on for vbulletin 3.8.x the flash chat intergration script.