fixed size of items


Hy there I have a problem that really really annoys me.
I write in c#, and when i make a label, a text box, and some other , IE displays their size correctly but when i see them in firefox or opera their size is all messed up. i tryed making the size of the textbox fixed, but i have the same problem...what can i do?
Thx for your help.

Oh, and another thing, is there a way to resize the page autmatically what i mean is i have a big resolution 1280 x 1024, and i make my pages according tot my resolution, but i saw that people that have a lower resolution have to scroll horizontally to wiew the entire can i resize the page for them in some way??no ideas at all? come on..pls pls..i really need these solved asapI don't know if this will solve your problem, but I know that FF does not support the size attribute in most or all of the html input tags, however IE does. Instead of using the width property in which .Net web controls expose, use an inline style attribute to set the width, or even better do it in your stylesheet.

<asp:textbox id="txt1" runat="server" style="width:200px;"></asp:textbox>

As for the dynamic width of the page.  I imagine you are using the design view of Visual Studio.  Well, that uses absolute positioning of elements which is not easily adapted for varying widths.  I'd say your best bet would be do design based on the smallest expected/average screen resolution or learn to write html and learn html's flow principals.

Hope that helps.