i have a datagrid with edit item template columns in which i have embedded dropdown list.can i fire any events, when i change the selection on the dropdownlist.i.e i need to change the items of one of the dropdown list if the selected item changes in the other. will that be possible.<BR><BR>answers to this question will be greatly acknowledged<BR>thank you.Sure... you can say... onSelectedIndexChanged="SomeFunction"<BR><BR><BR>Function SomeFunction(Sender as Object,E as EventArgs)<BR>' IN here you would have to identify which dropdown and which datagrid item your in .... probably do something like this...<BR><BR> Dim Foo as Listbox = Ctype(Sender,ListBox)<BR> ' From here you could use foo.Parent to locate the item on the datagrid...<BR><BR>End Function<BR><BR>good look