Firefox not giving the complete path


New Member
I am creating a file copy program in ASP classic for our subject. It works fine in IE but not in firefox. I need to let the user browse for a file using input type file but whenever i get the value, it only returns the filename not the complete path(In firefox). I search the internet but no luck. Is there any other way to do this? Thanks in advance\[code\]<% if (Request.Form("btnSave")<>"" )then dim fis Set fis = Server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Response.write(Request.Form("txtPath")) dim path path= Server.Mappath("\sample\images") & "\" Response.write(path) dim source source =Request.Form("txtPath") response.write(source) fis.CopyFile source, path set fso = nothing End If%>\[/code\]