Finding dynamically added server control and use it's HTML


New Member
I'm trying to get Text from a dynamically craeted server textbox.I'm just checking by getting the text into another textbox I placed in the aspx file, but all I get is always an empty string.. (I also tried another method that is enclosed in remark, but it doesn't work either)Here's the code behind:\[code\]public partial class Product_list : System.Web.UI.Page{ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { create_table(); } protected void create_table() { DBServices db1=new DBServices(); List<Product> list1 = db1.ReadProducts(); int id_number=1; int id_numer2 = 7; int id_number3 = 13; Table tbl = new Table(); tbl.ID = "tbl1"; this.Controls.Add(tbl); foreach (Product p1 in list1) { TableRow rw = new TableRow(); rw.ID = Convert.ToString(id_numer2); TableCell cell1 = new TableCell(); cell1.Text = p1.Name; TableCell cell2 = new TableCell(); Image img = new Image(); img.ImageUrl = p1.ImagePath; img.Height = 50; img.Width = 50; cell2.Controls.Add(img); TableCell cell3 = new TableCell(); cell3.ID = Convert.ToString(id_number3); TextBox textbox1 = new TextBox(); textbox1.ID = Convert.ToString(id_number); cell3.Controls.Add(textbox1); rw.Controls.Add(cell1); rw.Controls.Add(cell2); rw.Controls.Add(cell3); tbl.Controls.Add(rw); id_number++; id_numer2++; id_number3++; } } void save_list() { List<Product> Items_list = new List<Product>(); //TextBox aControl =Page.FindControl("1") as TextBox; /var tbl1 = this.Page.FindControl("tbl1") as Table; var tr = tbl1.FindControl("7") as TableRow; var td = tr.FindControl("13") as TableCell; var txt = td.FindControl("1") as TextBox; txt1.Value =; } protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { save_list(); }}\[/code\]and here is the aspx code:\[code\]<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Product_list.aspx.cs" Inherits="Product_list" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head runat="server"><title></title><script runat=server> public override void VerifyRenderingInServerForm(Control control) { } </script></head><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div id="header"> <h1>Items List</h1> </div> <div id="prod_table" runat="server"></div> <div> <input type="text" runat="server" id="txt1" /> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" onclick="Button1_Click" /> </div> </form></body></html>\[/code\]