I want to find the value of a specific string but cannot seem to do it, for example
mySting = "my name = goran"
i need to find the string 'my name = '
and through that i need to get the value of 'my name'
so far this is all i got:
myString = "my name = goran"
theResult = myString.indexOf("my name = ")
dont know how to get the value and remember that 'goran' changes, it dosent stay the same value...
mySting = "my name = goran"
i need to find the string 'my name = '
and through that i need to get the value of 'my name'
so far this is all i got:
myString = "my name = goran"
theResult = myString.indexOf("my name = ")
dont know how to get the value and remember that 'goran' changes, it dosent stay the same value...