I have a RadGrid (Gridview) that has the option to edit and insert new items.Within both those options i have a customvalidator to check for existing values so duplicates cannot be entered. What i am stuck on is the ability to use findcontrol for the textbox that only is shown during EDIT and INSERT.This works great for INSERT as i call GetInsertItem(), but that throws an error when editing and i am stuck on that. I want to do this outside of the databound and command methods. \[code\]protected void cvAccountNumber_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args){ TextBox txtAccountNumber = (TextBox)RadGrid1.MasterTableView.GetInsertItem().FindControl("txtAccountNumber"); List<GridDataItem> Items = (from item in RadGrid1.Items.Cast<GridDataItem>() where item["AccountNumberView"].Text == txtAccountNumber.Text select item).ToList(); args.IsValid = Items.Count() == 0;}\[/code\]Here is an image of the edit screen.