Find what url is calling the webpage?


I have just written a page that returns an image. As you all know it can then be used like <img src="picture.aspx?filename=image.jpg"> and so forth.

What i'm trying to do is restrict the use of the picture.aspx to my site only.

So if it comes from <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> i display the picture, if it's anything else i was to display another image. Basicaly stopping anyone hotlinking my pictures on other sites.

First i need to get the source of whats calling the webpage. Any ideas?Search google for stop hot linking and you may find your answer.

EricAh thanks. I've been hitting up google for it, but i guess i wasn't using the right words to search with.I have just written a page that returns an image. As you all know it can then be used like <img src="picture.aspx?filename=image.jpg"> and so forth.

What i'm trying to do is restrict the use of the picture.aspx to my site only.

So if it comes from <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> i display the picture, if it's anything else i was to display another image. Basicaly stopping anyone hotlinking my pictures on other sites.

First i need to get the source of whats calling the webpage. Any ideas?

Or this?

