I have a \[code\]button\[/code\] declared in XML, which uses \[code\]androidnClick="myOnClickMethod"\[/code\]. In an Activity there's the implementation of \[code\]myOnClickMethod(View Button)\[/code\]. Now i would like to know if \[code\]Eclipse\[/code\] supports a function, which finds and shows the \[code\]View\[/code\] in the \[code\]layout\[/code\] that is using \[code\]myOnClickMethod(View Button)\[/code\] or vice versa.Same case for IDs of an \[code\]layout\[/code\]/\[code\]view\[/code\].This could save some time searching the right \[code\]view\[/code\] / \[code\]method\[/code\]. I think its not possible anyway, but i give it a try.