Get the rendered style of an element(Should be able to handle inline CSS also)I have been learning Nokogiri and understand how to select a node based on an ID or Class. However, I would like to select a node/element and get back the specific CSS styles assigned to it, including inherited styles.CSS Style Sheet:\[code\]<head> <style type="text/css"> .myfont {font-family: Times New Roman: font-size: 80% } .bold {font-weight: bold} .50_font_size { font-size:50% } </style> </head>\[/code\]HTML:\[code\]<Body> <div id="article1" class="myfont"> <div id="title1" class="bold"> My Title Text <div id="author1" class="50_font_size"> By First Name Last Name </div> </div> General article text. General article text. General article text. </div> </div>\[/code\]In the above example, I would like to use...\[code\]require "nokogiri"document=Nokogiri.HTML(HTML_String)#Hoping for something like the following:author_css = node.css_style("author1") puts author_css#=> {font-family=>"Times New Roman",#=> font-weight=> "bold",#=> font-size=> 50%} \[/code\]As you can see it should output the inherited items, so that I get the correct CSS of the element. What is the best way to get this result?