

I have FINALLY found a GOOD FREE host. They are called Spaceports, and they offer a lot of stuff! Check them out here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) Wow, are they good. And if you sign up for CJB.NET's free service, you can get a free forum, and 100 different e-mail accounts! Please check out my new site here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
I haven't put anything up yet, but should have something there within a few days!<!--content-->I hate to tell you this but that host sucks. They dont offer enough bandwidth. If you get more then 40 hits a day you will be running into its cap and dont try to run a Download <!--more--> site or you will run out faster<!--content-->Is that all 5GB amounts to?<!--content-->oops, no I was wrong I think I busted out a calcultor, I was doing voodoo math before it actually should be enough, Unless you are planning on getting a whole lot of hits, or running a Download <!--more--> site. my fuzzy math lol I left off a zero, I was thinken he only get 16 meg daily when in reality he gets 166 But try to get rid of that real tracker ad.<!--content-->It's not a replacement for my other site, it's a new site. And it's not gonna have Download <!--more-->s like my other one. Just an interactive site.<br />
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The RealTracker ad is there so I can see where people are viewing my site from. And i have's directory thingy, pretty cool, cuz it cloaks my real url...<br />
<br /> signature DaveSW!...first time I've seen that one.<br />
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I'd like to know how i can become a moderator as well...not that I want to be one, just how did you guys become them?<!--content-->That was discussed at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=13308</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Well...I guess I'm the second type of member mentioned...for the moment...i think i will be able to help with JavaScript and HTML eventually!<!--content-->