Finalization of my ezView gallery [php]


I have made this photogallery.

feature's are:
- no need to config
- drop the file in a dir. with images and open the page
- preload (for quik file access)with progressionbar.
- shows information like image dimentions and file size
- a [x] button to close the file when viewed in fullscreem mode

fullscreen tip:
<a href="JavaScript:void();" onMouseDown="'','','fullscreen,scrollbars=no');">Gallery</a>

- In NS images take the dimentions of the first image which results in disformed images

what I ask is, can someone fix that bug and maybe speed up the code? My code is not always the best code. I'm just a PHP rookie :)

You'll be credited for your work ofcourse

source can be found on http;// (sorry dutch only) , script libary, ezView v1.4 beta