filtering non referenced member nodes using XSLT


New Member
An OpenStreetMap xml document is composed (among other things) of a set of "node" elements and a set of "way" elements.The "node" elements can (optionally) nest "tag" elements.The "way" elements are composed by an ordered list of "node" elements, referenced by the nested elements "nd", with their attribute "ref" pointing to the attribute "id" at the "node" elements.Here an example:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><osm version="0.6" generator="CGImap 0.0.2"> <node id="1726631203" lat="50.8500083" lon="4.3553223" visible="true" version="6" changeset="9938190" timestamp="2011-11-24T22:05:32Z"/> ... <way id="160611697" user="toSc" uid="246723" visible="true" version="1" changeset="11385198" timestamp="2012-04-22T14:57:19Z"> <nd ref="1726631203"/> <nd ref="1726631223"/> <nd ref="1726631213"/> <nd ref="1726631205"/> <nd ref="1726631185"/> <nd ref="1726631203"/> </way> ...</osm>\[/code\]My question is how, using XSLT, could I do the following transformation ?
  • Filtering all the node elements that are not referenced by any way element.
  • Filtering the way elements that reference node elements not included in the source xml document.
  • Changing the attribute "visible" to "false", to any "node" element not having "tag" children elements.
Any other elements should remain in the generated xml.