Filter xml in html


New Member

I am a newbie in this type of language (xml)... and have some doubts that are making me crazy.. I have a xml file with data that I intend to show in an HTML page.
That i can do :)

The problem is that i need a small filtering...

Here is a part of the html (the data I get from a xml file) :

<td align="left" width="100"><span datafld="Company"></span></td>
<td align="left" width="100"><span datafld="Product"></span></td>
<td align="left" width="100"><span datafld="Amount"></span></td>

What I need is simply to filter the field 揷ompany?and showing only the data for this each 揷ompany?in a html table. The goal is to make a table for each company... and put a header on each table with the 揷ompany?.

At this moment it appears:

(Not formatted)

microsoft, windows, 2
microsoft, office, 3
microsoft, exchange, 2
Linux, redhat, 2
Linux, mandrake, 1

I want:

windows, 2
office, 3

redhat, 2
mandrake, 1

Is this possible without xls and other 揷razy stuff??

Thanks in advance
From Portugal
Ricardo Duarte