filling two frames with different content from one button???


Staff member
i have a page with 2 frames--one main window and one for a navigation bar----how do i get a hyperlink image(button) in the navigation frame to target the main window with one url----and target the navigation frame with new content with one click----i understand the concept of targeting the frames--i just want to know how to get both frames to fill with different content with a click from the same button--thanks<!--content-->The way I have heard of it done is by having the frame src be another frames document. It's complicated but I could probably explain it, if you insist on using frames. But why don't you try using tables instead? It's so much easier and an added bonus is that the search engines would be able to index your page more easily.<!--content-->Hi Yogi, welcome to htmlforums.<br />
You can change 2 frames with one like like this.<br />
<br />
<a href="'frame1.html';parent.two.location='frame2.html'">Change</a><br />
<br />
change it to suit your needs.<br />
<br />
one/two = the name of your frameset frames.<br />
frame1.html/frame2.thml = the pages you want to change to.( your page names)<br />
<br />
I hope this helps, good luck.<br />
<br />
PS. Oh, make sure there is no space between "java" and "script". (this board seems to create that). It is all one word.<!--content-->Thanks Ian--i appreciate it--this is a great forum--thanks again---yogi<!--content-->