[FILLED] Virus scanner for attachments

What does this plugin do?​

This plugin let you have virus scanner for your forum's attachment managing.

Open your admin control panel and then
Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product] -> Select 'product-vscan.xml' from your computer then press 'Import'
This plugin uses ClamAV for scanning files there is two method available for scanning:
First method requires LibClamAV support on your php settings. You can check it on phpinfo. If you do not have ClamAV , You can download it free at here and faster than second method.If you can not find php-clamav due to problems from its publisher server. You can download php-clamavlib-0.13-src.zip which i attached or you can download compiled version clamav.zip or if you are using Debian based system just type apt-get install php5-clamavlib on your shell.
Second method uses clamscan binary of ClamAV does not require LibClamAV just installing ClamAV enough for it but its a bit slower than first method.
Please feel free to ask any questions
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Current version: 0.2a
File name: plugin-vscan2.xml
Change history:
0.2a: Added function for scanning file if php does not have ClamAV support this function uses clamscan and no need libclamav support just installing ClamAV enough for this somehow its a bit slower than php-clamav module, and installing php-clamav strongly suggested.Who is using 0.1a and having php-clamav on their system do not need update because there is no change for php-clamav support but if you want to feel better you can update it.
0.1a: Addon written based from Jafo232's old but changed scanning method for using libclamav