I want to select a file from my computer once its selected, that file shall be sent using the Brightcove media wrapper and store that video in my account (brightcove.com).I have a working code right now however i can not have the static PATH for the file as it changes in every computer, i can not use fileupload.postedfile.name since it only gets the name of the file and not the full path.*Is there any way to select the file and load it in order to be sent using this code???\[code\]BrightcoveVideo video = new BrightcoveVideo(); video.Name = "TestUploadUsingAPI_Eddy"; video.ReferenceId = "APITEST"; video.ShortDescription = "Testing write API"; // Specify the full path of the local video file to upload string pathToFile = @"C:\Users\Public\Videos\Sample Videos\testvideobyeddy.mp4"; // Perform the API call long newVideoId = api.CreateVideo(video, pathToFile);\[/code\]Note: using Visual Studio 2010, code: csThank you!