FileSystemObject with Classic ASP does not working good on IIS7+ Win server 2008


New Member
Recently i move my classic asp application from Windows XP + IIS5 to Windows Server 2008 + IIS7.It is almost everything working fine except one thing... the FileSystemObject doesn't reach files or folders on shared folder in remote PC.The following code always results with "File Doesn't Exists" and believe me the file exist!!\[code\]set fg=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")if fg.FileExists("\\netapp1\CM\CompilationResults\6.6 Release\TCL\L6.50.001\alias.tcl") then response.write("File Exists")else response.write("File Doesn't Exists")end if\[/code\]When trying the FileExists on local folder it works OK. This is working fine:\[code\]if fg.FileExists(Server.MapPath ("Logs\Add pc\Status log\status_file.txt")) then ......\[/code\]Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?