Does anyone know how to trap the error produced when trying to upload a file that's larger than that set to the maxRequestLength in the machine.config file. I don't want to make this value any larger than it is (roughly 4MB). I'd rather just catch the error and display a user friendly error instead. Thanks!I would love to hear another response to this, but here is my workaround:<BR><BR>Modify the machine.config file to allow say 50mb. Then in your upload routine after the file as been posted check the filesize and don't save it if it breaks your limit.<BR><BR>Is your concern disk space or upload times?My concern is both disk space and upload times. When you say my "upload routine", are you referring to my .net code, because if so, the file has already been posted in the request object and that is what breaks. If you mean to do the check in my backend component, I'll look into that.