I've seen a lot of good tutorials and articles in regards to the FSO in .Net. But, not-a-one discuessed how to delete files.<BR><BR>For example, in ASP 3:<BR><BR>Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")<BR> objFSO.DeleteFile pathoffile & "*.*", True<BR>Set objFSO = Nothing<BR><BR>will delete all files in that directory.<BR><BR>How does one go about doing this in ASP.Net?<BR>Well, looks like it was much easier than I thought. I figured it out. Drop the "Set" keyword.<BR><BR>objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")<BR>objFSO.DeleteFile (pathoffile, True)<BR>objFSO = Nothing<BR><BR>That's so easy I overlooked it.would you please point me to some of those tutorials?