File permissions

I want to create some static HTML pages with a PHP script. It writes the HTML files directly into the Public Html directory.<br />I changed the filepermissions to 777 for the whole directory, otherwise it wouldn't work.<br /><br />Is there any security risk that I'm facing now ?<!--content-->
I can't confirm this cos my mind is gone a blank, but having 777 means people can cause any file to write in your area of that folder. As long as everything else is patched and you dont allow uploading, it should be fine i think.<br /><br />A guru can tell you more<br /><br />Jim<!--content-->
Have you tried setting the permissions at 775? That would at least be a little more secure.<!--content-->
I worked on an issue with a client yesterday, and Bill stated that the permissions for the public_html directory is 755.<!--content-->
I tried 755 and 775, but with bots settings I cannot have my PHP script open a file for writing. Only 777 works. I would like to know how real the risk is that someone (who does not have my login and password) starts writing or delete files from my website, personally I wouldn't know how to do something like that....<!--content-->