file path to the server classic asp


New Member
\[code\]<%virtPath = "\\mnbv00ww7044832\central engineer\OH\OSP Engineering\ATHN\2011"'virtPath = "C:\central engineer\OH\OSP Engineering\ATHN\2011"dim fsset fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")if fs.FolderExists(virtPath) then response.write(virtPath & " exits !!!") else response.write(virtPath & "does not exist")end ifset fs=nothing%>\[/code\]According to this code the folder exists when i give path as C:... , but it shows that the folder does not exist when i try to access it through the computer name. I tried almost everything that i could come up with, but for some reason i cannot find the solution. basically i need to access a folder on a different computer. ThanksNik