File Download Prompt & Redirect Sequentially...


Here's an interesting question...hopefully the solution isn't too obvious that I've missed it.

Basically what I would like to accomplish is this...I have a customer information page that users fill out, and at the bottom of the page is a 'submit' button. When the customer clicks this button I would like two Response.Redirects() to fire...or a similar solution. Because I would like them to then be prompted with a client download, and then immediately be redirected to another page.

I've heard of a VBScript that can accomplish this, but currently I'm stumped and not sure how to proceed. Here's about what I have so far:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

If CreateConsumer() Then
End If

End Sub

The code above obviously doesn't work...only the first Response.Redirect() is fired, so I was wondering if there's some other solution. I can't rely on Pop-ups...otherwise I'd just use onclick='' etc.

I thought about using the Server.Execute() or Server.Transfer() but to no avail.

Any and all ideas would be greatly appreciated! :) Thanks again so much.It is not possible in the method you have described.

You can execute the first one to get the first page then a script to start a download.I guess my question then is how to start the download without being considered a popup? What must the script contain so that a user can simply click 'submit', have the download start, and then be redirected to another page? The only other way I have been getting this to work is using the but wouldn't this method be considered a popup and therefore not a valid solution?

Thanks afterburn for clarifying for me. :)