fieldset tag introduces some space...How to reduce that??


Hi All,<br />
I use fieldset and legend inside table tags. It introduces lot of space between two fieldset tags. I want to reduce the space. Is there any attribute or any other indirect way to acheive this.<br />
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Urgent help needed.<br />
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Bye from Saravanan A<!--content-->Using legend produces the space between the fieldsets<!--content-->yes. legend introduces only some space. <br />
fieldset also introduces space (i think). <br />
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Is there any attribute available in these tags, so that i can control the space between them.<br />
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regards<br />
saravanan A<!--content-->Use CSS to reduce the spacing.<!--content-->Hi Robert,<br />
<br />
You mean, i can acheive this bordering with CSS ( by dropping fieldset and legend tags)<br />
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ok. i will try my hand with CSS...<br />
<br />
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bye<!--content-->Rob: do you mean use css for spacing or do you mean use css like<br />
<br />
fieldset, legend {<br />
margin:0px;<br />
padding:0px;<br />
}<br />
<br />
?<!--content-->There are various ways but yes the above would work and for your amusement: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... t-CSS.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->