FF display bug??


Staff member
I have a table (actual tabular data) which I am turning the display on and off for. In firefox the width of the table loads correctly but when I begin to toggle the display it shrinks. Works fine in IE.

This wouldn't be a big deal except that there are vertical spacers between columns that have to line up with other tables. Has anybody else run across this problem?From what ive seen if it works in IE and not in FF youve done something wrong, but it really would help if we could see your code.found it, had the overall table width wrong, it was collapsing to actual (correct) width when it was re-displayed. thanks for the help though.Could you display your code? I'm interested in doing something like you have done.Im sorry, I can't really post the code without re-writing it. I am under an NDA, so I would have to replace all of the content on the page.

All I did though was to create a table with fixed widths for each of the cells. Below that is a <div> bar with links to open the "drawers". Below that is a table with the exact same structure as the top one with the display style set to none. Click the link, change the display to block.