fetch xml data from database and then dispaly it [closed]


New Member
i have a column in my database (longtext) with only xml data, and i'm trying to fetch it from the data base and then display each data from it, var dump gives me this : \[code\]array(1) { ["xmldata"]=> string(916) "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?><form><FormSubject>test</FormSubject><FormRecipient>test2</FormRecipient>....</form>"}\[/code\]i fetched it with mysql_fetch_assoc;and i'm trying to do foreach like this :\[code\]$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);foreach($row as $line){ $test = $line['FormSubject']; print("$test");}\[/code\]but it gives me nothing, please help, thanks