I have some XML being returned from a web query, with multiple parameters wrapped up inside a tag, like so:\[code\]<game> <name>First game title</name> <id>12345</id> <desc>A game..</desc></game><game> <name>Second game title</name> <id>67890</id> <desc>Another game..</desc></game>\[/code\]I'm using \[code\]NSXMLParser\[/code\] to parse it, and it's spitting out each line one by one into my console as I NSLog them. I'm trying to feed each \[code\]<game>\[/code\] into one of my \[code\]Game\[/code\] objects, with name as an NSString, ID as an NSNumber, etc. However, I'm struggling to work out how I'd tell it to begin a new object, since the \[code\]<game>\[/code\] tag isn't being returned in any of my NSLog statements, only those with actual data are (such as each name, id, etc.)If I want to get all of the data within each \[code\]<game> </game>\[/code\] tag into a separate object, how can I do so? Here's the parser code:\[code\]- (void)parserNSXMLParser *)parser didStartElementNSString *)elementName namespaceURINSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedNameNSString *)qualifiedName attributesNSDictionary *)attributeDict { element = [NSMutableString string];}- (void)parserNSXMLParser *)parser didEndElementNSString *)elementName namespaceURINSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedNameNSString *)qName { NSLog(@"ELEMENT TYPE: %@ VALUE: %@", elementName, element); \[/code\]}