Currently, in html, for images, we have attributes like: [alt,align,border,crossorigin,height,hspace,ismap,longdesc,src,usemap,vspace,width].
Source: HTML img tag.
I was thinking about embedding photo tagging feature in html-level support itself.
Like, for example, currently, in the context of Facebook website, images can be tagged.
What if, there are zillions of images outside of facebook and there is a need for tagging for photos?
Can anyone share pointers to start in this direction?
This idea occurred when I was browsing this link: 76 Powerful Thoughts from Paul Graham and I hovered my mouse over the first pic in the link.
If you hover mouse over any face, it shows: Paul Graham.
But I was interested in knowing, who were the other people in the same photo.
As of now, I don't have ideas how to get started on this. Can anyone share their thoughts?.
Source: HTML img tag.
I was thinking about embedding photo tagging feature in html-level support itself.
Like, for example, currently, in the context of Facebook website, images can be tagged.
What if, there are zillions of images outside of facebook and there is a need for tagging for photos?
Can anyone share pointers to start in this direction?
This idea occurred when I was browsing this link: 76 Powerful Thoughts from Paul Graham and I hovered my mouse over the first pic in the link.
If you hover mouse over any face, it shows: Paul Graham.
But I was interested in knowing, who were the other people in the same photo.
As of now, I don't have ideas how to get started on this. Can anyone share their thoughts?.