Feasibility and Usage?


New Member
Mark,Nice site indeed!It has references to almost all ongoing spec-work on XML schema etc. Butwhat do you think about the usage and feasibility of the same concept??It involves a bit of thinking and consensus by all of us:- Do we all (developers, designers all round the world) agree to use thesame schema in all related applications (e.g., Banking apps, Sound enabledapps etc.)?? We need to! Talking of interoperability and independance, weshould abide to these standards.- Are these standards actually validated well! With due respect to all theseorganizations, is w3c going to validate and standardize these "standards"?I suggest (I dunno if this is the forum to discuss such issues) that suchstandards when finalized should be mandated, at least in a publicly exposedapplication - like web sites, portal/vortal services etc.- Any "Encryption" Mark-up Language is also required (Anyone please givereferences to the same - if available). Such mark-up is also required, becausetransactions such as Banking ones, or any sensitive data, require some encryptionsalso AND EXPOSING THEM THROUGH AN OPEN AND READABLE FORMAT AS XML WILL NOTBE A GREAT IDEA!!Think about these issues and only then can we become interoperable and truly"standardized"...Cheers,Rohit