FB-Root Is Null, but only Sometimes in Firefox and IE


New Member
I have a Facebook Login Button on a login.php page on my website, and when its there it works like it should. But for some reason when I have a click on a link to this login.php the button doesn't appear. When I refresh the page, the button pops up. When I manually go to login.php the button appears every time.This seems to only happen in Firefox (mac), I can't replicate the issue in Chrome. Firebug gives me this error, but it shows up even when the button loads:\[code\]document.getElementById("fb-root") is null\[/code\]My Button rendering code looks like this:\[code\]<fb:login-button onclick="trainer()" perms="read_stream,email,publish_stream,offline_access,user_checkins,friends_checkins"></fb:login-button><div id="fb-root"> </div>\[/code\]I have the FB.init code inside a script tag AFTER the body tag. UPDATE: I've actually just confirmed that the same error pops up in IE8 on Windows.Any advice could help thank you!