Favorite Football Team(s) Logo(s)


New Member
ChagoMX Favorite Football Teams Logos Mini Mod


What does this little mod do?

It will add the Logo(s) of your favorite football team(s) to your Profile.
(e.g. I'm from Mexico and I'm an Club America supporter but Bayern München's too)

If you only support one team (picked at your Control Panel), the second logo won't appear.

Special Thanks to Cappo for the Emblems.
How can we add more teams into this my MOD because I need all the teams from england at least down to division 2. but great i love it
Its easy, just add the logos (png) you want to the teams folder, and add (write) the Teams to the Options (Step D in Readme.txt). The PNG filename and the team name have to be the same. (e.g. Real-Madrid.png / Real-Madrid)

Don't use special characters.