So I'm changing a lot of entries at once in a certain part of my program.The code right now looks like this for each one:\[code\]foreach(entry){ context.Users.Find(userid); context.Entry(originalvalue).CurrentValues.SetValues(newvalue);}context.SaveChanges();\[/code\]However, this ends up querying the database 300+ times and is killing my performance.The only way I thought of is to pre-load the database, but I don't think this is the best way either.\[code\]var userlist = context.Users.ToList();foreach(newentry in userlist){ var original = entry; entry.originalvalue =; context.Entry(original).CurrentValues.SetValues(newentry);}context.SaveChanges();\[/code\]I'm still accessing the database 300+ times, aren't I? What would you recommend?