Fast Loading Latest Posts?


New Member
so what I'm having now is a side column where in links of the threads are being displayed and they are categorized. a category would have code pretty much like this and i have about 8 categories that gets 5 thread links. anyway,

<script type="text/javascript" src="external.php?type=js&forumids=56,58&lastpost=1"></script>
-to get the feed, then

<script type="text/javascript" src="/clientscript/latestloop.js"></script> which contains:
for (var x in threads) {
    if (x == 5) { break;}
    title = new String(threads[x].title);
    var titletrimmed = title.substr(0, 20);
    document.writeln("<a href=\"showthread.php?t=" + threads[x].threadid + "\">" + titletrimmed + "...</a><br />");
-to parse the array from the feed and get the titles then turn it into links.

it works but the problem is my pages load REALLY SLOWWW. it takes around 10 secs at the moment. i know it's because of the alternate constant request for the script and rendering of the page. so i wanna know it you know of a better method? how can i code it so that everything is cached and the pages load so much faster? thanks a lot and im hoping to hear from u soon

ive tried posting in other forums but they dont seem to know the answer to this. i hope i can find it here