FAQ Maker Help


Staff member
I dont get how to paste this:
I am using Tripod but Im a little new at scripting.
Can someone please show me how to cut and paste this correctly. All help appreciated greatly!


1. Paste the code into the HEAD of your HTML document
2. Put the final code into the BODY of your HTML document -->

<!-- STEP ONE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document -->


<!-- Original: Ronnie T. Moore, Managing Editor -->
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<!-- Begin
function showFAQ(form) {
form.answer.value = form.question.options[form.question.selectedIndex].value;
// End -->

<!-- STEP TWO: Add this code into the BODY of your HTML document -->


<form name=faqform>
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>
<tr bgcolor="#000099">
<td align=center><font face="verdana,arial" size="-1" color="#ffffff">
<b>Verona Sentinals FAQ</b></font></td>
<tr bgcolor="#ffffcc"><td><font face="verdana,arial" size="-1"><br>
Browse the Frequently Asked Questions below and click for the answer.
<ul><select size=10 name=question onChange="javascript:showFAQ(this.form);">
<option value=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"[VS]accepts members through our guestbook. If you are unable to find it or have a problem refer to the Homepage where a Contact us button at the right hand side will redirect you to the proper authority.">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-->&nbsp;&nbsp;How Do i join [VS]?
<option value="[VS]=Verona Sentinals
">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-->&nbsp;&nbsp;What is [VS]?
<option value="Please leave a message of who to contact via e-mail or otherwise Clan leader time,location, and date of the Battle and please include what maps we will be playing or specify if its our choice. [VS] has the right to decline any offer given.">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-->&nbsp;&nbsp;My clan wants to challenge [VS] what next?
<option value="[VS] Operates Easter Coast USA
-5 GMT time">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-->&nbsp;&nbsp;What time is it where [VS] is?
<option value="Being Gamespy a valuable asset it can and will most likely be used for operations at any given time by the Clan leader [VS]Greg">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-->&nbsp;&nbsp;Will Gamespy be used?
<option value="Gamespy is a Gaming application that uses games themselves for Combat based Peer to Peer skirmishes at set dates or any given time.
Gamespy is avalible for download via <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.gamespy.com">www.gamespy.com</a><!-- w -->">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-->&nbsp;&nbsp;What is Gamespy? and where can i get it?
<option value="Leave a message at the Forums or E-mail [VS]Greg">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-->&nbsp;&nbsp;I have a problem with a Member,rule, map,clan what should I do?
<option value="No. As far as I have been informed there is no set ranking sysytem although [VS]Greg reserves the right to use one.">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-->&nbsp;&nbsp;Is there a ranking system for [VS]?
<option value="Paintball only the orignal members play because we all live near eachother. This is Mostly a Counter-Strike clan.">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-->&nbsp;&nbsp;[VS] is a Counter-Strike and Paint-what??
<option value="Me. [VS]Steve my e-mail is <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> ">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-->&nbsp;&nbsp;I have a question, feedback to give who do i contact?
And Their Answers:
<textarea name="answer" rows=15 cols=50 wrap=virtual></textarea>