Hey, take a look at this: http://www.dejan.com.au/seo_news_library.html
Very interesting news about fake PR10 at website of National Library (www.nb.rs). Looks like whole World is crazy about PR...
Hope it will be useful for you here to see this! That's crazy indeed, the PR cloaking happens all the time.
That's one of the reasons you have to be extra careful when buying links... Why does this website which clearly cheated deserve this spotlight? who does wrong they are famous why does it happens ? Posted this here just to show how internet industry, SEO etc. becomes more and more imporant on Global plan today. Everybody today talks about PageRank, Google, Optimization... All of us here are part of this Global phenomenon and we are taking part in whole this story. This is why I'm sharing this with you.
By the way, more and more people realize how they can get some serious coins for few links on their webistes, but some of them are not honest. So, we have to be very careful when doing link building. To many stupid people out there (yea i'm talking about those "experts" that live for PR ...) I hate seeing dishonest site's faking pagerank! I guess that Page Rank 10 website is using black hat techniques. There is no way that this website can reach page rank 10 without using black hat. Very interesting video. Almost i can't believe it that thing it happens with a good company. I hope Google will eliminate PR factor in a short time. Sure, you can't get fake PR with white hat techniques. The question is are they had atention to manipulate PR or this is just accident. Less speed, more hasitate. Well - that's crazy!
But there is so many people in world, who don't know what PR is... and thank good it's so, otherwise we would see more thinks like these Yeah. really funny and crazy. people should be aware on it. Most crazy thing is that national tv was talkint so much about that pr10 ...After last PR update they have PR8, wich is real according their backlinks. Quote: Originally Posted by Baron Ned Posted this here just to show how internet industry, SEO etc. becomes more and more imporant on Global plan today. Everybody today talks about PageRank, Google, Optimization... All of us here are part of this Global phenomenon and we are taking part in whole this story. This is why I'm sharing this with you.
By the way, more and more people realize how they can get some serious coins for few links on their webistes, but some of them are not honest. So, we have to be very careful when doing link building. I have to agree of the importance it has today. When we all thought television is the most powerful before.. hehe of course that's decades ago, but now its different.
Very interesting news about fake PR10 at website of National Library (www.nb.rs). Looks like whole World is crazy about PR...
Hope it will be useful for you here to see this! That's crazy indeed, the PR cloaking happens all the time.
That's one of the reasons you have to be extra careful when buying links... Why does this website which clearly cheated deserve this spotlight? who does wrong they are famous why does it happens ? Posted this here just to show how internet industry, SEO etc. becomes more and more imporant on Global plan today. Everybody today talks about PageRank, Google, Optimization... All of us here are part of this Global phenomenon and we are taking part in whole this story. This is why I'm sharing this with you.
By the way, more and more people realize how they can get some serious coins for few links on their webistes, but some of them are not honest. So, we have to be very careful when doing link building. To many stupid people out there (yea i'm talking about those "experts" that live for PR ...) I hate seeing dishonest site's faking pagerank! I guess that Page Rank 10 website is using black hat techniques. There is no way that this website can reach page rank 10 without using black hat. Very interesting video. Almost i can't believe it that thing it happens with a good company. I hope Google will eliminate PR factor in a short time. Sure, you can't get fake PR with white hat techniques. The question is are they had atention to manipulate PR or this is just accident. Less speed, more hasitate. Well - that's crazy!
But there is so many people in world, who don't know what PR is... and thank good it's so, otherwise we would see more thinks like these Yeah. really funny and crazy. people should be aware on it. Most crazy thing is that national tv was talkint so much about that pr10 ...After last PR update they have PR8, wich is real according their backlinks. Quote: Originally Posted by Baron Ned Posted this here just to show how internet industry, SEO etc. becomes more and more imporant on Global plan today. Everybody today talks about PageRank, Google, Optimization... All of us here are part of this Global phenomenon and we are taking part in whole this story. This is why I'm sharing this with you.
By the way, more and more people realize how they can get some serious coins for few links on their webistes, but some of them are not honest. So, we have to be very careful when doing link building. I have to agree of the importance it has today. When we all thought television is the most powerful before.. hehe of course that's decades ago, but now its different.