failing to get attribute from a xml in a asp file


New Member
I have been trying to get one of the attributes from the following xml,\[code\]<getAtt MapReady="0" QueryTime="0" t="17" tt="15" pcheck="1" Startval="1" AutoNextStres="171" TC="171" q=+(A%3a(64))+AND+C%3a0+AND+((((BODY%3asujit)+OR+(BODY%3asujit*))+AND++(+(ICAL3%3a1+)+AND+(+(ICAL4%3a1+)+OR+(ICAL4%3a3+)+OR+(ICAL4%3a6+)++)++)))&start=1&rows=40" LogID="1664" ErrorCode=""></<getAtt>\[/code\]From the xml specified,i have to get "t" attribute.And this xml is saving in a variable in a asp file.Please suggest me hot to get.