can anyone tell me what is wrong with the code on this it is giving me the same answers for both entries. Thanks here it is:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Web Programming 1</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function temperatureConversion()
var originalCelsius = 0;
var convertedFahrenheit = 0;
var response = prompt ("Enter a number representing " + " a Celsius temp. I will convert it " + " to its Fahrenheit equivalent and " + " display it in the status bar at the bottom " + " of the screen", "0");
originalCelsius = parseFloat (response);
if (isNaN (originalCelsius))
window.defaultStatus = ("Non-numeric value entered!");
convertedFahrenheit = 9 / 5 * (originalCelsius + 32);
window.defaultStatus = (originalCelsius + "degrees Celsius = " + convertedFahrenheit + " degrees Fahrenheit");
function temperatureConversion()
var originalFahrenheit = 0;
var convertedCelsius = 0;
var response = prompt ("Enter a number representing " + " a Fahrenheit temp. I will convert it " + " to its Celsius equivalent and " + " display it in the status bar at the bottom " + " of the screen", "0");
originalFahrenheit = parseFloat (response);
if (isNaN (originalFahrenheit))
window.defaultStatus = ("Non-numeric value entered!");
convertedCelsius =5 / 9 * (originalFahrenheit - 32);
window.defaultStatus = (originalFahrenheit + "degrees Fahrenheit = " + convertedCelsius + " degrees Celsius");
<input type = "button" name = "temp"
value = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->"Convert Fahrenheit Temp to Celsius Equivalent"
onClick = "temperatureConversion()">
<body bgcolor="white">
<form name="myform">
<input type = "button" name = "temp"
value = "Convert Celsius Temp to Fahrenheit Equivalent"
onClick = "temperatureConversion()">
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Web Programming 1</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function temperatureConversion()
var originalCelsius = 0;
var convertedFahrenheit = 0;
var response = prompt ("Enter a number representing " + " a Celsius temp. I will convert it " + " to its Fahrenheit equivalent and " + " display it in the status bar at the bottom " + " of the screen", "0");
originalCelsius = parseFloat (response);
if (isNaN (originalCelsius))
window.defaultStatus = ("Non-numeric value entered!");
convertedFahrenheit = 9 / 5 * (originalCelsius + 32);
window.defaultStatus = (originalCelsius + "degrees Celsius = " + convertedFahrenheit + " degrees Fahrenheit");
function temperatureConversion()
var originalFahrenheit = 0;
var convertedCelsius = 0;
var response = prompt ("Enter a number representing " + " a Fahrenheit temp. I will convert it " + " to its Celsius equivalent and " + " display it in the status bar at the bottom " + " of the screen", "0");
originalFahrenheit = parseFloat (response);
if (isNaN (originalFahrenheit))
window.defaultStatus = ("Non-numeric value entered!");
convertedCelsius =5 / 9 * (originalFahrenheit - 32);
window.defaultStatus = (originalFahrenheit + "degrees Fahrenheit = " + convertedCelsius + " degrees Celsius");
<input type = "button" name = "temp"
value = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->"Convert Fahrenheit Temp to Celsius Equivalent"
onClick = "temperatureConversion()">
<body bgcolor="white">
<form name="myform">
<input type = "button" name = "temp"
value = "Convert Celsius Temp to Fahrenheit Equivalent"
onClick = "temperatureConversion()">