facebook.. server config error


New Member
Hai, I using facebook library(files facebook.php,config.php,index.php..graph API) for save user token, my library is in \[code\]fb\[/code\] folder and when i want to save user token through database I did not get it.earlier also i have this problem with my another server. I solved It by changing the "folder \[code\]fb\[/code\]" permissions from 755 to 775.but now in my new server the \[code\]fb\[/code\] folder, when It as 755 then I got the facebook result empty (after user connect with facebook)as\[code\][oauth_access_token] => [oauth_access_token_secret] => [oauth_request_token] =>\[/code\]if I change the \[code\]fb\[/code\] folder permission as 775 as my previous server,then I got the following error.\[quote\] Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.\[/quote\]kindly help me where I am wrong?