Facebook API - invalid link for subdomain but not domain


New Member
I am still stuck around the issue of a send dialog in the Facebook API. When I link to my app's basic domain, the link works. When I link to a subdomain (such as restaurants/2) the link fails.I call FB.ui as follows (running on Rails 3.1):\[code\]<script> function detail(friend_id, user_name, restaurant_name, restaurant_id, articles){ // assume we are already logged in FB.init({appId: '<%= Facebook::APP_ID.to_s %>', xfbml: true, cookie: true}); FB.ui({ to: friend_id, method: 'send', name: user_name +' needs more details about '+ restaurant_name, link: 'http://powerful-woodland-3700.herokuapp.com', description: '<b>'+user_name + ' needs your help.</b> Add some color to your review of <b>'+restaurant_name+'</b> and help '+articles["object"]+' decide if he should eat there.' }); } </script>\[/code\]All of the variables are passed correctly.But if I add 'restaurants/2' or even '/home' to the link, FB responds with an API Error 100 - invalid link.Here is what the script looks like on the client's page:\[code\] function detail(friend_id, user_name, restaurant_name, restaurant_id, articles){ // assume we are already logged in FB.init({appId: '344309455673537', xfbml: true, cookie: true}); FB.ui({ to: friend_id, method: 'send', name: user_name +' needs more details about '+ restaurant_name, link: 'http://powerful-woodland-3700.herokuapp.com', description: '<b>'+user_name + ' needs your help.</b> Add some color to your review of <b>'+restaurant_name+'</b> and help '+articles["object"]+' decide if he should eat there.' }); }\[/code\]Any ideas?