extras in the <a href> tag


I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I had a browse through the site and couldn't find the answer.<br />
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I am trying to construct an extremely simple page and I am not incredibly fussed about browser compatibility (everyone who uses it will use IE)and would like to avoid using java script. The 2 things I need to do are:<br />
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a) determine the size of a new window (i am using <br />
<a target="new" href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"...........<br />
<br />
b) I am linking to images which open automatically in the browser. I want to allow the user to click a button to save the image on their hard drive without having to go through the rigmarole of "right click" "save as" etc.<br />
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If this is possible with html it would be great if someone could let me know otherwise all suggestions are much appreciated.<br />
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Thanks <br />
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Katharine<!--content-->In answer to your first question, if you wanted to open a new window that is 300 pixels high by 200 pixels wide, you would use:<br />
<br />
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"url.html" target="_blank" height="300" width="200"><br />
<br />
Simple as that!<br />
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As for your second question, I don't think you can do this with HTML, I think you may need to use javascript, but I'm afraid I'm a beginner with that and can't help you out there.<!--content-->your second task will require javascript. dont be afraid though, it's as easy to write and troubleshoot as html in most cases. <br />
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is there a certin reason you dont want to use javascript to accomplish this?<br />
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like a monkey out of a verry deep hole in the ground while riding his honda<br />