Extracting xml data with java


New Member
I have written an app in Java to catalog thousands of educational resources on a shared directory. I have collected the information in XML files, for example:\[code\]<Resources> **<resource>** <name>resource_name</name> <path>path_to_resource</path> <subjects> <sub>ICT</sub> <sub>Maths</sub> </subjects> <topics> <top>functions_&_formulae</top> <top>average(mean)</top> </topics> <!--more tags> **</resource> <resource>** <name>resource_two</name> <path>path_to_resource_two</path> <subjects> <sub>Literacy</sub> </subjects> <topics> <top>commas_in_a_list</top> </topics> <!--more tags>\[/code\] The app allows users to tag and describe a resource according to subject, topic, level etc. Results are written to a full list of resources (as above) and also written out to specific subject related files. I have written XSL stylesheets to render these readable to users. I would like to create a filter so that a user can search for, e.g, "commas_in_a_list", which would return all the data for all resources with this as a tag value. I would like to display the data in a webpage. I'm not specifically looking for code here, but rather for advice. Can this be done with Java or would I be better off looking into Javascript or something else? Many thanks for your suggestions. Regards, John