New Member
I'm a noobie at pulling data from websites, and this one has me especially stumped. I don't even know where to begin -- so that's really all I'm looking for. If you could give me an idea of what I'm looking at here and tell me maybe a good language or library to use for dissecting it, that would be extremely helpful. This is for a school research project.So, on the Oncomine website, there is a lot of gene data setup in these tables. These tables are a grid of different colors from red to white to blue. If you hover over one of these grid squares, a popup comes up, and there is a value in the popup (show below and marked as "I need this!")Because there are hundreds of thousands of these grid squares and I'd like the data from all of them, I'm trying to write a script that will go through all of these squares and extract the popup data. I don't know how the popups are created -- javascript, flash, ???. That is mainly what I'm looking for help with - identifying what the popups are made from so that I can collect the data within them. Here is a screenshot of the table:
link to bigger picture here: to tell you more of what I'm trying to do, after I get one page of these grids and harvest all of the popup data, I will then move the script to the next page and do the same thing again.