Extracting All Form Element names from a large form.


What's up guys?<br />
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I've just built one massive html form for a client and now its time to set up the back end for it. <br />
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I have to go into each form element and copy the name of the fields so that I can tell the Perl script what to do with them.<br />
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Is there a application that can extract all the field names from a HTML form automatically?<br />
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Thanks for the help!<br />
Scott West Chester PA<!--content-->...this can easily be done in your Perl script...<!--content-->Hugh?<br />
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How can my Perl script extract the names of my form objects.<br />
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Are you telling me that there is a perl script out there that will pars this info for me automatically and return just the object names?<!--content-->yes...it's quite simple...<br />
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<br />
#!/usr/bin/perl<br />
<br />
use strict;<br />
use CGI qw/:standard/;<br />
<br />
my ($key,@values);<br />
<br />
print header,<br />
start_html('Form Results'),<br />
h3('Form Results');<br />
foreach $key(param) {<br />
@values = param($key);<br />
print $key.': ',<br />
join(', ',@values),<br />
br;<br />
}<br />
print end_html;<br />
<br />
<br />
this will parse every form element and display the name of the field and the corresponding field data....if all you want is the "field", then just eliminate the join(', ',@values), line<!--content-->CyCo<br />
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thanks man....<!--content-->you're welcome...<br />
now, how about that other post in the Perl forum..?<!--content-->Ok, I posted a reply to the Perl forums.<br />
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Thanks again.<!--content-->